Top 5 Blogs of 2019
8 Apr 2020 • Trends & Signals
In the beginning of a new year a small tradition for us has been to look back on the previous year and make a summary of our most read blog posts. Despite Easter already knocking on our doors (and the current situation of the world) we wanted to keep the tradition alive. So here are the top 5 blogs of 2019. 🌸
Last year we talked about the most known and unknown platform businesses, innovation, advantages of venture design, and SaaS business acquirement.
1. A Platform Company? Case: Netflix vs. Peloton
“To be or not to be – a platform company, that is. Becoming a platform-based business is a tantalizing idea for any company renewing their operations and designing new approaches. But how do two leading companies in the platform economy compare to each other in terms of how they operate? What can we learn from them?”
2. Innovation as the Growth Lever
“Innovation is essential, like it or not, you need to be in the business of innovation. The most successful businesses transform what they do in order to achieve domination over the decades.
WiPro started as a vegetable oil business and today stands outstanding 8 billion IT company. We all know Amazon story with selling books online not to mention about Apple. The most successful brands innovate, pivot, and shift in order to keep succeeding year after year after year. They identify strategic opportunities and then focus their efforts on innovating toward those opportunities.”
3. Venture Design helps you know where to focus
“Venture design is an agile approach to human-centered design, optimized for the creation of new businesses – building them rapidly and efficiently from zero to launch.”
In this post, our principal consultant Marko Mähönen tries to discover the many advantages that this design approach brings to you.
4. What’s new in the technology front this year?
This blog entry includes some topical themes in the field of digital business-related technology that you should be aware of 2019. These things include:
5. Acquiring a SaaS Business
“Building your own SaaS business is often stressful. If you have the equity and you want to dig straight in, acquiring a SaaS business is one of the options you have on the table.”
In this post our principal consultant Marko Mähönen tries to break down how you should evaluate your portfolio of software companies you are about to acquire.
Top 5 Blogs of 2019
That’s it! Those were the top 5 Blogs of 2019. There’s more coming, so make sure to check out our blog and if you wish to receive new articles straight to your email, order our digital business newsletter below.