In this blog, we discuss what is product-led growth and what becoming product-led requires from…
I dare to state that fandom has moved almost 100 percent online. Whether it’s bench…
Have you ever considered the idea of working in information technology, but your previous career…
The development of a company is perceived by an increase in turnover, by growth in…
In a two-sided marketplace, ie the supply and demand market, various pain points are often…
Today’s clients are skeptical and knowledgeable buyers. They have higher expectations of us and our…
*PING* your friend hits you a message eagerly announcing they found you your dream job….
Over the last three decades, we’ve had the opportunity to follow the growth stories of…
Venner, a company focused on nutrition and well-being, has created a new responsible choice for…
Sofokus Group, a digital business agency located in South-West Finland, has launched a new investment…
Sofokus Digital Heart Capital is looking for early-stage startups that want to invest in building their digital core in a product-led way.
I decided to take a walk down memory lane and write a little about the origin story of our podcast, and of course, it’s future.