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The A-Clinic Foundation is a non-profit foundation striving for a more humane society. The Foundation’s work focuses on social work, online support and addiction research.
The A-Clinic Foundation and its related initiatives have a long history of providing digital services. However, some of the services were technically outdated and the Foundation was also undergoing a re-branding process. Sofokus helped A-clinic Foundation to build a digital ecosystem that reaches the widest possible audience and seamlessly serves multiple different user groups.
“Addictions affect all of us in one way or another. We reach over 200,000 people every month through our online services, so user-friendliness, website performance and, of course, timely and relevant content are at the heart of everything we do”. – Tarja Virolainen, Head of Communications, A-Clinic Foundation
We started working closely with the A-Clinic Foundation team by assessing the current situation, familiarising ourselves with the target groups of the different services and gaining understanding of the objectives of each service. The service design project resulted in a concept for a multisite portfolio of five websites, which will house all of the A-Clinic Foundation’s digital services from now on.
Alongside our concept design project, the A-Clinic Foundation was undergoing a comprehensive rebranding process. Based on the new brand, we designed user-friendly interfaces for the websites.
We opted for a WordPress-based multisite solution, especially because of its convenience. A multisite environment enables sites to be managed from a single location, saving time and effort. In many cases, a multisite solution also offers cost savings because several sites can be hosted on the same server. In addition, multisite makes it easier to manage security and updates and allows content to be easily shared and reused between sites.
Throughout the project, the work was guided by our digital business consultant Lauriina Holmström. Lauriina’s job was to ensure the project progressed smoothly both from the client’s and Sofokus’ side. The model worked well, as the project was extensive, with a lot of moving parts and people.
“During the project, we compressed the content of several sites and services into five websites. The project was carried out by more than 50 people, so there was a lot to coordinate. But thanks to a committed team, we completed the project smoothly.”
If your development project could use some extra hands or a project manager, don’t hesitate to ask about borrowing our people!
The A-Clinic Foundation is a non-profit charitable foundation that has been helping the disadvantaged in our society since 1955. The A-Clinic Foundation’s online and face-to-face services build safety nets for vulnerable people in Finland. The Foundation provides professionals with tools and information to develop services for people with substance abuse and mental health problems. Extensive social advocacy is part of the Foundation’s core mission.