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Rakli is Finland’s largest association of professional property owners, real estate investors, facility managers and constructors. We helped Rakli implement a redesigned extranet for their members and streamlined the control of its user rights with identity and access management.
For Rakli, it was crucial to implement a solution for sharing member materials that supports existing ways of working and channels. The aim was also to avoid unnecessary migration of materials between different services. Direct integration with MS Cloud services was therefore essential.
In addition to advocacy and social influence, Rakli provides its members with studies, reports and other useful material on the real estate and construction sector, its future trends and areas for improvement. The previous extranet for members had been in use for several years but was not serving its purpose in the best possible way, so it was time to revamp the service.
The project started by determining the access rights of the different user groups in the membership register and validating hypotheses about the information flows in the extranet. After the technical specification work, a new user-friendly service with login portals and user interfaces was designed.
Auth0, one of the world’s most popular identity management solutions, was chosen for member identification and access management. Auth0 provides a user-friendly, secure and customisable identity management platform that can be flexibly integrated into many types of applications and scaled as your organisation’s needs change.
As an official Auth0 partner, we provide solutions for a wide range of identity and access management needs.
The new identity and access management service allows Rakli to control the access rights to shared materials and manage different user groups’ permission levels effortlessly. By not spending time and human resources on manual maintenance or building data flows, the Rakli team can focus on developing its member services even more comprehensively. In turn, members will be able to log in to Rakli’s digital services more effortlessly.
Rakli has been Finland’s largest and most influential association of professional real estate owners, investors, facility managers and constructors for over four decades. The organisation promotes the interests of its members, participates in social dialogue, provides information to support decision-making and works for a more sustainable living environment. Its more than 240 members cover the major housing, commercial and public infrastructure owners, investors, largest cities, property management service providers and constructors.